Implementation - Trainings

We can deliver knowledge or behavior change! Training and development of people is what we are passionate about and we know that it is the people in an organization that make the difference. If you want to achieve behavioral change, we will help you set up a program that helps create a successful company culture. If it is only individual efforts that are missing, our various modules can be specific training blocks where we focus on specific areas that need to be addressed.

Development of the management team's work

The management team faces several challenges, including strengthening clarity around its purpose, goals, structure, and delegation. The structure of the management system plays a decisive role in the efficiency of the business. What skills are required to be part of the management team? Sustainable managerial and leadership skills are necessary, with the management team playing an important role as production becomes more complex and markets more dynamic. Therefore, decision-making becomes more difficult and requires solid knowledge of the business as well as the ability to make well-founded decisions.

An efficient and well-knit management team forms the basis of successful organizations. We aim to translate scientific theories and research into practical tools that assist management teams in optimizing their work methods in a way that is visible in everyday life.

When StigFram works with management development - including leadership, group, and management team development - we always start from the organization's values, vision, mission, and strategies.

The management of an organization can never be seen as a single issue but needs to be seen in its role, context, and organizational context.


Leadership courses

We have several different programs for leadership training.

In the more comprehensive programs, we give the participants an understanding of how their leadership role affects the results, and they get tools and training in creating participation in their teams to achieve results, but also to do it in a way that is in line with the value base.

At the start of the program, we take the company's overall strategy, values ​​and goals as a starting point and set measurable knowledge and behavioral goals linked to the training effort. It could be, for example, increasing involvement in the sales force, increasing cooperation between different departments/processes or improving the feedback culture. These behaviors are then driven and measured in the program.

After the program, the participants have received a methodology and tools to drive engagement in their teams. We also measure compliance with set behaviors and goals. The consultants collect findings from the training, which are reported in the final results workshop, so that the effort will be permanent.


Tailor-made composition of various training courses that run on an annual basis for long-term skills development

A training academy with us means that we, together with you, based on your needs and objectives, set up different training courses for all different levels of the company, leaders as employees, on an annual basis, and usually over several years.

We drive the entire process and in this way we ensure that the change journey goes in the right direction. We continuously evaluate, go back to the goals, are they still relevant, and if so do we need to steer the training programs for the coming year in the same or new direction?

Business acumen

Do you have a handle on your finances?

Entrepreneurship means, as the title indicates, that those who are responsible for the company need to be really good businessmen and businesswomen.

Do we then need to master and be the best at everything from leadership to the company's balance sheet? The answer is both yes and no. You neither must, should nor can do everything yourself, but you need to understand and have insight into all the parts that create your company's profitability.

Business acumen is about increasing the business understanding of the company's overall business and strengthens the business confidence to dare to upsell and conduct business, meetings and dialogues in a professional and goal-oriented manner.

Most of the company's employees in some way affect their own company's finances and the customer benefit that is created. An education in business acumen often aims to create insights into how the company's employees themselves can influence their own company's finances, as well as the customer benefit that is created.

In a 'goal-oriented' company, there is a plan for how to succeed. The plan is often divided into sub-goals and describes different roles and their significance in achieving the goal. It is important to note that each step in the process must be completed fully to achieve the whole.

If visions, goals, and action plans are not clear to the employees, optimal performance cannot be expected.

It is worth reflecting on the fact that the primary cause of quality deficiencies is often a lack of commitment, which often leads to increased work to correct things and thus creates stress and time pressure.

Commitment is built on participation, meaning that each individual understands how their role and effort contribute to achieving the goal. Involving employees in the operation is not dangerous but rather a necessity for success.

Sales B2C – B2B

When we talk about sales, we always start from the importance of the "soft values".

With our sales training, your company can achieve great success!

We offer tailor-made sales training that is completely adapted to your company's conditions and operations. Our sales training courses are suitable for both companies targeting B2B and B2C markets. We welcome companies of all sizes and sales organizations to benefit from our training courses. Whether it's a sales manager, a small sales team or a large number of salespeople, it doesn't matter - we have something to offer for everyone.

During the sales training course participants gain knowledge and insight into successful sales strategies with a focus on achieving even better sales results. Regardless of the current economic situation, participants will learn how to achieve optimal results and how to perform at the top level!




Participants learn new methods and use effective tools that are guaranteed to lead to improved results. For sales managers, this means learning how to lead their salespeople to reach new heights together. For the individual seller, it's simply about getting better at selling.

We talk a lot about the personal approach, motivation, internal collaboration (across borders), participation and responsibility

In other words, it's about CREATING needs by listening to the customer and then selling an idea, opportunity or experience.

If we succeed in that, we have not only made the customer truly satisfied, we have also gained a "friend for life" - an ambassador for your company.

Customer-focused service culture

Old management models doesn´t get you the results you want.

This means that the employee needs to take greater responsibility for his own role and development. But it's hard to take responsibility for something you don't understand or are particularly familiar with. Therefore, we have now developed a training course that touches on the parts that are important for the employee and his development within the workforce.

We touch on topics such as Customer Experience, Customer/guest journey, proactivity, the service ladder, communication, communication styles, psychological safety, rules of the game and values.

The customer in focus

The employee is the face of the company and meets the customer on a daily basis.

This role in the meeting is of the utmost importance for the customer's experience, regardless of whether they work in the restaurant, hotel reception, amusement park, ski resort, campsite, tourist office, or any other activity within the hospitality industry. It is the employees who deliver that, for the customer, so important first impression.

The choice of our own attitude can thus either "embezzle or refine" the brand and the company's opportunities on the market.

This training strengthens the employees' knowledge of the importance of the soft values ​​in the meeting with the customer. We talk a lot about the personal approach, that I represent a brand, motivation, internal collaboration (across borders), participation and responsibility.

Winning Company Culture

Our holistic, rigorous approach delivers business value by building cultures of continuous improvement and shaping successful change programs.

We set clear goals and determine how the organization can achieve them. We leverage the organization's network to drive progress, and we make change personal - by shifting mindsets and motivating new behaviors at the individual level.

The result is a more future-proofed organization with a culture that can sustain superior performance."

From Idea to purchase

Thanks to the fact that the customer lives in a digitized world, customers are influenced through many different channels.

The training focuses on the customer journey itself.

We learn to understand how we can meet the customer during the various steps in the customer's purchase process. We look at how digitization has affected the customer journey and purchasing behavior and go through touchpoints and how to set goals for the various steps during the customer's journey.

We will conduct the course in workshop form where we mix theory with practical exercises to create personas (type customers) and develop our own business guest trips for these personas.

Generation Z

Now we have a whole new generation that is about to enter the labor market.

We employers need to prepare as research shows that generation Z differs from older generations when it comes to values ​​and perceptions of life. These changed values ​​and perceptions of life will most likely also put companies and organizations to the test.

How can you prepare your organization for the new generation and what do you need to do? - To succeed, we need to identify motivational factors that influence them and how best to lead them.

inspiratory acutes

We help with INSPIRATION by filling the tank with MOTIVATION!

Do you have ideas? Do you want to develop your employees while not wanting them to fall asleep, but to remember your next internal conference as a really inspiring day?

We have the solution, we combine benefit with fun! We edit and adapt the lecture according to your conditions and wishes for the desired result

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