Let us help you harness the power of your business and take your business to the next level.
Higher profitability
Organizations that have more engaged employees have higher productivity, customer satisfaction and profitability! On average a whopping 21% in higher profitability.
Committed employees
Customer-focused companies have 28% more committed employees, which leads to greater responsibility and more innovation.
Offer and services!
Our services are based on research from the largest analysis companies in our fields and our deliveries are quality assured and measurable.
The basic prerequisite for well-functioning management and governance is a clear and common overall picture of goals and assignments - and based on that overall picture, a clear division of responsibilities and a clear decision-making mandate.
With experienced consultants, StigFram can help you go from idea to implementation, support with goal management and execution.
We can deliver knowledge or behavior change! Education and development of people is what we are passionate about.
Strategy execution is the implementation of a strategic plan in order to achieve the organization's goals. It includes the day-to-day structures, systems and operational goals that set your team up for success.
We live in a hybrid world where the digital services support and help the people in the organization to develop and ensure the quality of the company's various services. Here we have collected everything from digital personnel handbooks, to coaching via our LMS platform for training and micro-learning.
We also love to measure and can offer several solutions that can suit your needs.
Follow all parts of the process for the most efficient results, or choose the parts you need!
Our offers and services can be compared to a plate of Sushi. You can either eat everything or pick out the parts that suit your taste and needs best.
Is it inspiration, knowledge or behavioral change that you need to achieve your desired result?